Remove roof for MRI machine delivery and re-instate roof

It was time for a new MRI machine at PRP Diagnostic Imaging Wollongong. A 55 tonne crane removed the 10-year-old MRI machine and lifted a new Siemens MRI into position. Our job was remove part of the roof and the suspended ceiling to allow access, and the crane did the heavy lifting. Thankfully the weather held off for us.

When an MRI is installed or replaced, its size means ingenuity is needed to get it into position. Either the outside wall of the property and an internal wall/s, or, as with this project, the roof, is temporarily removed and then replaced. At Cassins, our strength is knowledge and planning to get the job done. We can manage all MRI (& CT) installations and we regularly work with all equipment providers.

Client’s Name

PRP Diagnostic Imaging